Attorney General of the United States of America
Washington, D.C.
I submit to you on behalf of the International Committee Against Corruption (CICOR), and in response to and in compliance with the mandate set forth in Article 6 of Resolution a/res/53/144 of the United Nations General Assembly, which gives us the right to conduct investigations and gather evidence, in order to report the results to the governments concerned, we submit to you the following findings:
According to what was investigated a Frigate belonging to the Navy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, traveled in the month of September 2018 from Puerto Cabello, located in the Province of Carabobo in Venezuela, towards the Port of Moa in the Republic of Cuba, and that according to its navigation plan, it was going to provide aid of machinery inputs to help in the reconstruction of the Bridge that connects the ends of two towns in the Zaza River, which collapsed before the strong rising due to the Alberto Storm that passed through the Island.
We had knowledge that in the same boat two (2) tons of the drug called Cocaine were transported, which arrived to the Island and from there was transported to the State of Florida in the Continent of the United States of America.
Through a witness whom this Committee helped to reach the United States, we were able to know:
That there was a meeting in the city of Caracas in the Fort Tiuna dependência of the Ministry of Defense in which participated among others:
The Commander General of the Navy, the Minister of Defense Vladimir Padrino Lopez, Captain Diosdado Cabello, Tarek El Aisami, Nicolas Maduro Guerra the son of the President, the current Attorney General Tarek Willian Saab, the Commander of the Puerto Cabello Naval Base and the Commander of the T-62 Frigate Esequibo, and Commander Alejandro, son of Raul Castro.
In the same meeting, the plan for the transportation of the drugs was outlined, whose reception would have the support of the Ministry of the Interior, a Vice Admiral now deceased, and the President of Cuba, Diaz-Canel.
For the transfer of the drug from the Island to Florida, the logistical and financial support of a businessman named Eduardo Alberto Hidalgo Gómez, who provided the boats where the 2 tons of Cocaine would be transported and the payment of the personnel that would work in the night mission, would be counted on. The latter resides in Florida